
FAB WALKERは、歩き方について考え学べるロボットキットです。本キットは組み立て後、枝やペン等の身の回りにある素材を脚や装飾にし、歩き方をプログラミングするなど、自分で考える余白がたくさん用意されています。ペンをつけてお絵かきロボットや、ブラシをつけて掃除ロボットにしたり、可能性は無限大です。

FAB WALKERはこれまでの学習キットにはない3つの特徴があります。脚の素材や付け方、歩き方のプログラミングなど、内省的に解決策を思考するTinkeringを元にした考え方。電池やモータ以外の外装などはレーザーカッター等を用いて、カスタマイズ可能なデジタルファブリケーション技術による加工。さらにハード/ソフトウェアデータの公開と、多種多様なユーザの改良によるオープンデザイン化。FAB WALKER εは株式会社イーケイジャパン(福岡県太宰府市)により商品化され、数多くのワークショップで利用されています。ファブラボ鎌倉のFAB WALKER μは、3Dプリンタ製の歯車でシンプル/安価な構成を実現しています。FAB WALKER αは、センサ等を取り付けプログラミングが可能で、総務省「若年層に対するプログラミング教育の普及推進」事業として、山口県の小学校で一億年後の生き物を創造するワークショップを展開しました。




BlowFab is a prototyping method used to create a 2.5-dimensional prototype in a short time by combining laser cutting and blow molding techniques. The user creates adhesive areas and inflatable areas by engraving and cutting multilayered plastic sheets using a laser cutter. These adhesive areas are fused automatically by overlapping two crafted sheets and softening them with a heater. The user can then create hard prototypes by injecting air into the sheets. Objects can be bent in any direction by cutting incisions or engraving a resistant resin. The user can create uneven textures by engraving a pattern with a heat-resistant film.

UIST2017 [honorable mention]

Junichi Yamaoka, Ryuma Niiyama, and Yasuaki Kakehi. 2017. BlowFab: Rapid Prototyping for Rigid and Reusable Objects using Inflation of Laser-cut Surfaces. In Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 461-469.



ProtoMold is a novel fabrication machine which uses interactive vacuum forming system for rapid prototyping. ProtoMold combines a dynamical shape-changing surface that consists of 12 × 8 linear actuators and a vacuum forming system. According to the shape of the surface, this system can mold various 2.5 dimensional objects quickly. Another characteristic of this system is that users can reuse molded objects and change their design; by applying tension and heat to a molded object, the object becomes flat and can be molded again. We also designed user several interaction methods for manipulating ProtoMold. In addition to loading predesigned data, the user can control the shape of the pin display directly using gesture input or physical objects.

We propose several use scenarios for ProtoMold: changing the design of a plate based on objects placed on it, fabricating a facemask with a printed texture, and fabricating electrical devices with printed electronic circuits. By using this system, we conducted a user test and discuss the known limitations and potential applications of our system.




Junichi Yamaoka and Yasuaki Kakehi. 2017. ProtoMold: An Interactive Vacuum Forming System for Rapid Prototyping. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2106-2115. DOI: doi.org/10.1145/3025453.3025498